Monday, July 13, 2009

Almost there! So i broke it down to areas that i have to work on before i can launch again, and decided to just complete the interior and hull. Last weekend i was going to fix the ballcocks and finish painting the cabing, but when i started to paint around the valves and tried to turn their handles, i realized that they were really corroded and not likely to be repaired in situ. So i tried to figure out how they were held in place on the hull and one thing led to another... The grinder came out and in a coffee fueled nut, i ground them all off and pulled them out. Then i was able to clean and prime all the scary areas around and behind the valves, and get a proper coat of paint everywhere. The forward bulkhead was cracked and the fiberglas tape was peeling so i cut it away and reglassed that joint, then primed and painted everything inside. 
Moving to the cockpit i reassembled the benches and installed them, then sanded the cabing bulkhead and decided the mahogany ply was beyond redemption and painted it white. Then i repainted the inside of the hull. The tiller was splitting and peeling so i sanded it and filled the splits with epoxy, then gave it a coat of varnish. The way the the hiking stick was screwed to the tiller always bothered me so i chucked it in the milling vise and relieved the fitting with an endmill. 
Last weekend i started to install the new rubrail that Hollis bought but soon recognized what a mess the original was. I pulled the old one off and cleaned off the years of glue and ended up painting the entire joint where the deck meets the hull. Next time i'll install the rubrail for good. 
After that i pulled off all the old lines and hardware off the deck and scrubbed everything with deck cleaner and was amazed at the transformation. She's almost new again! The sails were next, so i stretched them out in the parking lot and decided that i like the old ones better than the newer Hild sails. The Genoa is huge and i'm interested to see how it sets, since the blade jib never seemed to set properly. She's gonna be a sight with her original sails flying.